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Pull Request

  • pr-create

    Creates a new pull request for a GitHub repository.

    ghc pr-create

    This command will prompt you to enter the necessary details (such as branch, title, description, etc) to create a new pull request in a GitHub repository.

    ghc pr-create

  • pr-merge

    Merges an existing pull request into the target branch.

    ghc pr-merge

    Use this command to merge a pull request into the repository’s target branch (e.g., main or master). It requires the necessary write permissions for the repository.


    Warning: Merging a pull request is irreversible, ensure proper review and testing before merging.

    ghc pr-merge

  • pr-list

    Lists all open pull requests in a GitHub repository.

    ghc pr-list

    This command retrieves a list of open pull requests for the specified repository.

    ghc pr-list

  • pr-info

    Gets detailed information about a specific pull request.

    ghc pr-info

    Use this command to fetch details such as title, description, status, and reviews for a particular pull request.

    ghc pr-info